Monday, October 30, 2023

Introduction To Our Group

It's Uni5 ~

Welcome to our blog!

We are a group of enthusiastic students from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) who are pursuing our Bachelor of Computer Science with a specialization in Graphic and Multimedia Software. This blog is our collaborative platform where we will post our project deliverables and document our journey in learning the course SECV 2113 - Human Computer Interaction.

About Our Group Name

In this project, our group name is "Uni5". You might be wondering or curious why we choose "Uni5" as our group name. First of all, the pronunciation of "Uni5" is similar to "Unifi", which is one of the well-known Wi-Fi service provider in Malaysia. We decide to incorporate this play on word because we aims to enhance the interaction between the human and computer, just like "Unifi", connect people through Internet. Besides that, the prefix "Uni" also embodies the concept unity within our group. It highlights our collective effort toward a common objective. Moreover, the "5" in our group name represent the number of our group members, emphasising our teamwork in this HCI project.

Who We Are ☆


Name: Goh Zi Qin
Matric Number: A22EC0163


Name: Tan Sin Yi
Matric Number: A22EC0281

Name: Yap Yee Jia
Matric Number: A22EC0119

Name: Wong Shi Qing
Matric Number: A22EC0293

Name: Hak Tai Huei
Matric Number: A22EC0165

Welcome to Our HCI Journey! ❤

In this project, we are tasked with exploring the exciting world of human-computer interaction, learning more about it, and gaining the experience needed on our academic journey. Therefore, we will endeavor to share our insights, discoveries and experiences on this blog. At the same time, our goal is to be able to provide valuable content that serves as a resource for anyone interested in computer science and HCI. So, we invite you to join us on our educational adventure. Whether you are one of our classmates, an HCI enthusiast, or just curious about what the computer science or HCI has to offer, we are very welcome you to follow our blog and join us on this exciting path of discovery and learning.

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change." 💬                       

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