Thursday, December 14, 2023

Gathering Requirement - User Analysis

Report of Project Part 2 Link: Uni5_Project_Part2

Proposed Task📝📝

Our proposed prototype is the E-plate Machine. 

Get price of selected meal 💰💰

Each meal that users select differs from others in the aspect of type of food and weight. The E-plate will calculate and display the total price of a meal after calculating the weight of each particular food. This feature will ensure users can obtain consistent prices of meals by machine calculation, which is based on accurate weight of food and pricing per food item that is set initially.

Know the calorie of each meal 🔥🔥

Since the calculation of calories of food requires a large amount of research which takes time and effort, most people will choose not to calculate daily calories consumption. In fact, not controlling calorie intake leads to obesity issues that are popular in Malaysia. This feature can help users to get a clear understanding of their calorie intake by eliminating the calculation process. Apart from it, they can get better control of their calories consumption in order to reach their goals. 

Track food ingredients of selected food item 🍔🍔

E-plate allows users to get track of the food ingredients that they are going to intake. This is to avoid users, for example users with allergies from taking inappropriate food which may be life threatening. Besides, users can use this feature to select their food preferences. Both of this will result in preventing food waste, by listing out food ingredients clearly.


Persona 👥

☝🏻 Tan Sin Yi


Sin Yi is a 21-year-old Perakian who is studying Bachelor of Computer Science (Graphics and Multimedia Software) with honours at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Sin Yi is a thrifty girl who will shop around before she buys anything. For every weekend, she will stay at the hostel to avoid unnecessary expenses. Besides, she does not attend any entertainment organized by her coursemate as Johor has a high level of spending. This is due to her father being burdened with three children and she is trying to lighten his load.

However, there is inevitable consumption for Sin Yi, which is having lunch and dinner everyday. The problem she was facing is she could not predict the price of the meal. The prices of food are floating everytime causing an over budget of her daily expenses. Besides, the price of the meal is calculated using a traditional method which is by the prediction of staff. Staff will estimate the quantity of food she took by observation with the naked eye. Sin Yi considered this method to be inaccurate and unfair to consumers. On the other hand, she also feels insecure when not knowing the ingredients of food. Sin Yi is looking for a way to solve the problems that she met so she can dine in peace at a reasonable price.  

✌🏻 Goh Zi Qin 

Zi Qin is a 21 years old girl who is currently studying Bachelor of Computer Science at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. She is a famous blogger who always shares her daily life. One of her hobbies is cafe hopping and she likes to take photos of herself and then posting on social media. Since the number of followers keeps increasing, she decided to lose fat as she is anxious about her image.  

The first step she needs to do is to control her diet, in more detail she needs to control calorie intake. Due to her research, the most important thing in losing weight is to create a calorie deficit, limiting the daily calorie intake to less than the body's calorie consumption. There are some tailor made fat loss meals on the market, but they are expensive and not affordable for students. The only thing she can do is have food outside as she cannot cook inside the hostel. However, she is facing trouble calculating her calorie intake before a meal. It will spend a lot of time researching calories. Besides that, she has to check to take the appropriate type of nutrient to improve metabolism. Especially when she wants to lose weight healthily, she must replenish nutrients lost by the body due to a controlled diet. Nevertheless, the pricing of meals is also a consideration for her due to the limited pocket money.

👌🏻 Hak Tai Huei

Tai Huei is a 21-year-old student studying at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. She is very thin and has an underweight BMI. This is due to her allergic reaction, which causes vomiting and diarrhea. She always has difficulty having meals as she is allergic to eggs, which are the most common food ingredients used in the food industry. The food choices for her are limited, and she has to be aware of foods that probably contain eggs. 

However, she was still facing eating mistakes. The major problem for food allergies is that they are not clear about the ingredients of food. To resolve the problem, Tai Huei has to keep asking whether the food contains eggs. This method is not only a waste of time, but also ineffective as most sellers are not clear about the cooking process. Furthermore, she is an introverted person which makes communication with strangers more difficult. She made up her mind to try to cook by herself instead of having food outside. Unfortunately, the hostel does not allow students to cook, while she is also facing problems buying fresh ingredients due to transportation problems. The accumulated problems and her allergic reaction bothered her for a long time. Tai Huei is looking forward to appearing in a way that helps to cope with the problems. It would be best if there is a way to get to know the ingredients of food indirectly. 


Scenarios 🎞️🎞️

Persona 1  from the user group

Persona: Miss Tan, 21 years old, a student of UTM.

User goal: Make sure the users can get the accurate total price of food items by measuring its weight and doing calculations based on the information gathered.


  • Choose food items

  • Put the food items on the scale

  • The price of selected items displayed on the screen

Miss Tan has been checking her budget for this month. She wants to have her dinner which can be controlled by herself to prevent over budget. There are many types of food items with each displaying their price per gram. She goes around and checks which food is more cost-effective. After she decides what she wants to eat, she picks up the food items and puts it on the scale. 

The scale automatically calculates the weight of selected food items and multiplies it with price per gram. The price is displayed to be considered and Miss Tan can continue to select other food items. For every single food item she selects, she can know the price immediately and control the next quantity of food taken. Then, when she paid the total price of selected food items, it was within her budget. 

Persona 2 from the user group

Persona: Miss Goh, 21 years old, a student who aims to lose weight

User goal: To get a summary of calorie intake and nutrients of a meal


  • Select a food item

  • Scan the barcode of food item selected

  • Fill in the food serving

  • Summary of calories and nutrients is displayed

Miss Goh is new to fitness, starting with food dieting. She needs to control her daily calorie intake, and first calculate the calories of each meal. This was difficult for someone with no experience. Besides, she has to consume adequate nutrients to lose weight more effectively. She feels dejected as the information on the internet is not comprehensive and easy to search. In addition, cooking by herself is restricted due to the hostel’s rules, which further limits her from reference other people’s recipes. 

After Miss Goh chooses a food item, she opens the application and clicks on the barcode icon. It will pop out a scanner and she scans the barcode of the food item. She fills in the serving size and and number of serving to support a more accurate calculation of that meal. The calories of serving, and nutrients like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins will display clearly on the application page. 

Persona 3 from the user group

Persona: Miss Hak, 21 years old, a student who suffers from egg allergy.

User goal: To make informed food choices by looking at the nutritional details, allergen information and ingredients list of a food product.


  • Select a food item

  • Open the Open Food Facts application

  • Navigate to the search function 

  • Scan barcode or manually enter food name or barcode number

  • Access food information page

  • Navigate to allergen information

  • Review allergen information

Miss Hak always avoids eating outside and has been cooking herself at home for a long time since she is allergic to eggs.  However, she finds herself in a challenging situation where her hostel conditions restrict her from cooking in her room. This limitation exacerbates her existing phobia of dining outside due to the constant fear of unknowingly consuming allergen.

Miss Hak, feeling hungry but anxious, contemplates her dining options. She wants to fill her stomach while ensuring her meal is free from allergens. She takes out her smartphone and opens the Open Food Facts application. This app will provide her with detailed information about food ingredients. As she approaches a food stall, she browses through the menu and enters the food name in the search bar. The app will display the ingredients list of relevant food. Empowered with the information from the app, she can make correct food choices- that align with her allergy and ensure a safe dining experience.


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