Friday, December 15, 2023

Gathering Requirement - Task Analysis

Report of Project Part 2 Link: Uni5_Project_Part2

We, at Uni5, have decided to create a valuable product in the catering sector: the e-plate. Nowadays, most individuals, especially those with busy work schedules and studies, prefer to have their meals outside, particularly mixed rice. However, this trend brings about various issues, such as inconsistent prices and a lack of information regarding calories and food ingredients, causing problems and troubles for those who dine out. The e-plate is designed to address these challenges faced by individuals and aims to bring convenience to their dining experience. The goals of the e-plate are to enhance satisfaction for those who dine out by calculating the price based on the weight of food taken and listing down the calories and food ingredients of the meal. To ensure our solution can meet their needs, target users are determined, and user testing is conducted. For user testing, we have chosen products and applications with similar features to the e-plate, namely electronic weighing price computing scale, MyFitnessPal application and Open Food Facts application.

The 3️⃣ tasks that we chose for observation from the selected existing product and application are:

☝🏻Calculation of Price Based on Weight:

Each food item has a unique price, and the total cost is calculated by multiplying the weight of each item by its corresponding unit price. The weight of every food item that users take will be measured, and the total cost of the food items will be displayed immediately.

✌🏻Caloric Determination of Food Intake: 

Users can ascertain the calories of the food they have taken based on the weight and the type of food. This allows users to make informed decisions about their dietary choices and manage their caloric intake effectively. Additionally, users can tailor their food consumption to meet their fitness goals.

πŸ‘ŒπŸ»Display of Food Ingredients:

The display of food ingredients is an important function for users to understand the contents of their food and prevent potential health issues. Users can consume the food without worrying about health problems, such as allergies, as they have access to comprehensive information about the ingredients.

Based on the feedback and suggestions provided by the three target users, the three tasks mentioned will guide us in the development of the e-plate.


Derivation of HTA

HTA for Task 1: Calculation of Price Based on Weight

User 1: Student πŸ‘©πŸ»‍πŸŽ“πŸ§‘πŸ»‍πŸŽ“



When a student purchases food items based on weight, they need to select their preferred food items from the menu, where unit prices per gram are prominently displayed. Upon selecting the desired food items, the next step involves weighing these selections on a scale. The scale accurately measures the chosen food items, displaying the total weight to the student.

User 2: Fitness Enthusiasts πŸ‹πŸ»πŸ‹πŸ»


For fitness enthusiasts, the initial step to calculate the food price based on weight involves selecting specific food items from the store. Next, they need to place these items on the scale and the scale promptly displays the accurate weight of the chosen items. Moving forward, the seller needs to use the recorded weights to calculate the total price of the food based on the unit price set by the seller, which requires a price tag to be created, printed out and attached to the food.

User 3: Food Allergy Sufferer πŸ±πŸ±


For individuals with food allergies, determining the price of food items by weight starts with selecting items based on the unit price per gram displayed on the menu. Once the specific food item is chosen, the user requests the seller to weigh the food on a scale, providing an accurate weight.

πŸ”ŽπŸ”Ž Finding from the HTAs for task 1

The analysis from the HTA showed a consistent pattern among three distinct user personas: students, fitness enthusiasts, and food allergy sufferers, in their approach to determining food prices based on weight. Despite their diverse requirements, these users follow a parallel workflow from initially selecting items based on prominently displayed unit prices per gram to the pivotal step of obtaining precise measurements using a scale.

Initially, users select food items based on the unit price per gram showcased on the menu, thoughtfully prepared by the business or seller. Upon choosing a specific food item, users request it's weighing on a scale, ensuring precise measurements. This accurate weight determination allows users to ascertain the price of the selected food item, ensuring transparency and clarity in the purchasing process.

This consistent process ensures a positive user experience and simplifies the process for each user group. The common or shared steps are easy to understand and execute, allowing users to confidently navigate the buying process. Additionally, the clarity in pricing and accuracy in weight measurements contribute to customer satisfaction, keeping the process consistent across user groups while meeting specific needs.

By acknowledging these similarities and designing a system that caters to these shared steps while accommodating specific user requirements, businesses can enhance customer satisfaction, improve efficiency, and foster a positive perception of the purchasing experience.

HTA for Task 2: Caloric Determination of Food Intake

User 1: StudentπŸ§‘πŸ»‍πŸŽ“πŸ‘©πŸ»‍πŸŽ“


Firstly, users must launch the MyFitnessPal application to determine the calories of food. On the home page, users click on the search icon for food and then proceed to the barcode icon. Users should locate and capture the barcode on the food item. After clicking on the barcode icon, two options are presented: automatic barcode scanning or manual entry of the barcode. If users opt for barcode scanning, they need to focus their phone camera on the barcode of the food item to capture it. Alternatively, if users choose to enter the barcode manually, they must input the barcode themselves. Subsequently, users enter serving details such as serving size and the number of servings. Once the serving details are entered, the application displays the calories of the food intake for users to observe.

User 2: Fitness Enthusiasts πŸ‹πŸ»πŸ‹πŸ»


Before determining the calories of food, users are required to launch the MyFitnessPal application. They need to click on the searching food icon located on the home page, followed by the barcode icon. Users need to obtain the barcode of the food and choose whether to scan it automatically or enter the barcode manually. If users opt to scan the barcode, they should focus the camera on the food's barcode. Alternatively, if users prefer to enter the barcode manually, they need to carefully key it in. After that, users enter the serving details, including the serving size and the number of servings, to calculate the calories of the food. The calories of the food are then displayed for users to view.  

User 3: Food Allergy Sufferer πŸ±πŸ±


First of all, users must launch the MyFitnessPal application. On the home page, they should click on the search food icon, followed by the barcode icon. Users need to obtain the barcode of the food item to enable the application to identify the type of food they are entering. Then, users have the option to choose between automatic barcode scanning and manual entry of the barcode. For automatic barcode scanning, users can utilize their phone camera to focus on the barcode of the food. On the other hand, for manual entry of the barcode, users must input the barcode manually. After successfully scanning or entering the barcode, users proceed to input serving details, including serving size and the quantity of servings for the food. Upon entering the serving details, the application will display the calorie information for the food.

πŸ”ŽπŸ”Ž Finding from the HTAs for task 2

Based on the HTAs of Task 2, the three target users which are students, fitness enthusiasts and food allergy sufferers executed similar actions. Using the MyFitnessPal application, these users are able to calculate the calories of the food item accurately. This process is simple and quick as the calories of the selected food item will display immediately and hence users are able to track their dietary intake efficiently.


To initiate the process, users must open the MyFitnessPal application to ascertain the calorie content of their food intake. They commence by selecting the "Search Food" option, followed by the "Barcode" button. Users then obtain the barcode for the respective food items. Subsequently, they encounter two choices: an automated barcode scan or manual entry of the barcode number. Opting for the former, users focus the camera on the barcode; for the latter, they carefully input the barcode number to avoid errors. 


Continuing with the process, users advance to inputting serving details, which include specifying the serving size and the quantity of servings. This meticulous step ensures the precise calculation of the calories attributed to the selected food items. Upon entering these specific details, the application promptly displays the comprehensive calorie information for the chosen food items. This not only allows users to successfully conclude the tracking process but also empowers them to exit the application armed with valuable insights. This functionality plays a crucial role in assisting users in preventing the consumption of excessive calories, thereby averting potential health problems associated with overconsumption.


Additionally, the processes used to calculate the calories of food items are simple for users, providing a positive user experience due to their ease of use. The application employs icons, such as the search and barcode icons, that are similar to those used in other applications. This similarity allows users to easily identify the functionality represented by each icon. Moreover, the user interface is clear and simple, enhancing user satisfaction.

HTA for Task 3: Display of Food Ingredients

User 1: Student πŸ§‘πŸ»‍πŸŽ“πŸ‘©πŸ»‍πŸŽ“


First of all, the student who wants to know the ingredients in food while eating can open the OpenFoodFacts application. Then, the student has two ways to identify their food. One is to scan the barcode of the food, and the other way is to enter the barcode of the food or enter the food name if no barcode is provided for the food. After completing this step, the interface of food information will be shown. Next, there are also two ways to look for the ingredients in food, which is to open the image of ingredients to view or open the ingredient column. No matter which approach students take, the details of food ingredients will eventually be displayed for students to view. After viewing the food ingredients, the student can click on the return arrow icon followed by the clear feature bar to delete the currently searched food ingredients and identify other food. Lastly, students ended their search by closing the OpenFoodFacts application.

User 2: Fitness Enthusiasts πŸ‹πŸ»πŸ‹πŸ»


For fitness enthusiasts who need to constantly monitor their nutrient intake, such as protein and carbohydrates, the OpenFoodFacts app can assist in identifying the ingredients in their food. First, enter the OpenFoodFacts application. Then, start searching for the food's ingredients by either scanning the food's bar code or clicking on the search bar to manually enter the food name or bar code. Once the fitness enthusiasts confirm the food they want to search for, the information page for that food will be displayed. To drill down into the details of the food ingredients, fitness enthusiasts can tap on the ingredients column that will display the food's ingredients. On the other hand, they can also tap on the image at the top of the food information page, which also shows the food ingredients. After checking the food ingredients, fitness enthusiasts can switch to another food by pressing the return arrow icon and the clear bar to scan for new food. Finally, fitness enthusiasts can exit the OpenFoodFacts app to conclude the process of identifying food ingredients. 

User 3: Food Allergy Sufferer πŸ±πŸ±

For individuals with food allergies who are constantly alert to the potentially life-threatening risks of accidentally ingesting allergens, the OpenFoodFacts app serves as an invaluable tool for identifying and excluding problematic foods. After launching the app, food allergy sufferers can search for a food's details by entering its name or by scanning or entering its barcode. The information page reveals ingredients through an image at the top and an ingredient column at the bottom, both will display the same details of food ingredients. Food allergy sufferers can swiftly determine if a food item contains allergens. To end the search and turn off the application, food allergy sufferers can click on the return arrow icon followed by the clear bar. This user-friendly process allows food allergy sufferers to repeat the steps as needed for continuous identification of potential allergens. 

πŸ”ŽπŸ”Ž Finding from the HTAs for task 3

For task 3, all three users followed nearly identical steps to display the ingredients of the food. Based on their actions, it's evident that each of them took no more than a minute to complete the process of displaying the food's ingredients. Notably, the application doesn't require any login, allowing users to directly utilize the app for food identification.

Upon launching the app, a scanner is promptly presented, ensuring a time-efficient and user-friendly experience for all three users. While an alternative method of typing the barcode or food name is available, the unanimous preference among all three users was to utilize the scanner.

Once the scanner successfully detects a barcode, the app promptly responds with a confirming sound, and the relevant food information is instantly displayed. Besides that, the simplicity and clarity of the interface contribute to the ease of navigation for users, featuring intuitive icons such as a return arrow, a clear bar, and prominently labeled "ingredients."

Moreover, the displayed food ingredients page goes the extra mile by featuring a dedicated section that highlights allergenic foods just below the main ingredient list.  This thoughtful addition is particularly beneficial for user3, who suffers from food allergies, providing a clear and easily accessible section to address their specific needs.


✍🏻 ✍🏻 Design Requirements

    Referring to the insights and findings that we have collected through the observations and interview sessions, we are able to pick up some valuable ideas from various sources, notably the electronic weighing price computing scale, MyFitnessPal and Open Food Facts mobile applications. By incorporating these ideas, we aim to create a cutting-edge and user-oriented e-plate that caters to the diverse needs of individuals seeking precision, health-conscious tracking and comprehensive nutritional information.

        Firstly, inspired from electronic weighing price computing scale, our e-plate design will prioritize precision in portion control. We will incorporate advanced sensors and technology that enable users to accurately measure the weight of their food, regardless of whether it is light or in small portions. This emphasis on precision extends our e-plate’s utility to a diverse range of users, including those with smaller appetites, allowing everyone to benefit from the services provided. By ensuring that the weight is accurately measured, we could confidently calculate the correct price of that food by multiplying the food unit price with the weight measured. This meticulous approach is crucial to avoid disputes that might arise if pricing calculations are deemed unreasonable. In a broader context, the precision not only ensures a fair transaction for the user but also contributes to the overall reliability and credibility of our e-plate system. From students’ perspective, it helps them to save money as they pay for what they exactly receive. The e-plate becomes a tool for financial prudence, aligning with the needs of students who are mindful of their expenses.

        Furthermore, the process of determining the calories of food within our e-plate design draws inspiration from My Fitness Pal. By determining the type of food and its weight, calories can be calculated accurately and displayed to the users. This feature not only aids individuals in making informed dietary choices, but also promotes a heightened awareness of their calorie intake. This attention to detail caters to the needs of fitness enthusiasts who prioritize accurate tracking of their caloric intake as part of their health and fitness regimen.

        Lastly, the concept of a comprehensive food database, inspired by Open Food Facts, will be a cornerstone of our e-plate design. The integration of a vast and regularly updated database of nutritional information will empower users to make informed dietary choices. The e-plate will provide real-time access to the nutritional details, allergen information and ingredients lists, fostering transparency and catering to users with specific dietary preferences or restrictions. From the perspective of a food allergy sufferer, this function becomes a lifeline, enabling them to proactively avoid allergens when dining outside. By having access to detailed allergen information in advance, users with food allergies can confidently navigate food choices, mitigating the risk of allergic reactions and ensuring their safety.

        The insight we get from the user’s thought process highlights the demand for a comprehensive allergen database. It has to be integrated into the proposed system, leveraging Open Food Facts, for accurate and up-to-date allergen information. The up-to-date allergen database should cover a wide range of food products, ensuring the users with allergies can access detailed information about the potential allergens contained in various items. The systems also can incorporate features like real-time alerts or notifications to users when potential allergens are detected in scanned or selected food items to draw the users’ attention. It is believed that this proactive approach will enhance user safety by preventing accidental consumption of allergens. 

        Since we are aiming to contribute to the catering sector, we have to ensure the usability of the e-plate across a diverse user demographic, from children to the elderly. The elderly will have a reduced capacity for learning and memory. Thus, the operation of using an e-plate must be simple and suitable for all ages, ensuring everyone can enjoy the services and convenience brought by our e-plate. For example, guided tutorials in paper form can be displayed at every corner to give a hint to the users on how to use the e-plate.

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